Infigo Compli

What is it?

Infigo Compli helps organizations comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations. It does that by making sure the regulatory compliance management process is as straightforward as it can be.

In the background, crawlers gather data from industry-relevant sources, process the data, and present it to users. Users log in through web-based GUI, so any modern browser will do, and depending on their role, are presented with a number of dashboards.

Find out more about Compli in the brochure.

Compliance officers can assign trustees with regulations they need to address, and while officers can see everything in the system, trustees see only relevant regulations. If the regulation is complex, or for any other reason, it can be assigned to multiple trustees.
Now every regulation gets a trustee statement, and depending on it the system generates the final compliance score. Every step of the process is visible and accounted for, and Compli generates reports and email reminders to users depending on preconfigured rules.

Quick Overview

Key Benefits

Automatic Data Gathering

The system gathers data from a standard set of relevant sources, and since it is highly modular it can be extended with new sources if needed (for any industry, and for any country in the world). With built-in quality assurance tracking, it minimizes the risk of errors, and any error is visible in the dedicated crawler debug dashboard.

Standardized Workflow

When the data is collected it goes through relevancy checking, trustee assignment (only compliance officers can assign trustees), and then the trustees give their statements generating the final compliance score. If the regulation is marked as non-compliant there is an optional step, automatic risk assessment.


To ensure you never miss a thing there are daily and weekly reports on new regulations and publications. The system also updates on current regulation statuses, sends informational emails to trustees, and send reminders about upcoming deadlines. Of course, everything is customizable and can be modified as needed.

Minimize the risk of non-compliance

Additional features

Risk evaluation
Risk evaluation is done for regulations or acts that are non-compliant and have an effect on the organization. The risk score is calculated from several categories (financial, reputational, legal) and it is weighted against severity and probability of happening.

Additional authentication
Infigo Compli can be integrated with any authentication system, including 2-Factor Authentication (2FA), for an extra layer of security.

Cloud or partial cloud deployment
If the client desires, Compli can be run directly from the cloud, which makes the installation requirements minimal with multitenancy for strict security measures. Of course, there is an option for partial cloud deployment but with corresponding hardware/virtual requirements for the on-premises part – all sensitive data is stored in the client's IT environment locally.

Extended log management
Infigo Compli is based on Splunk, big data platform, which indexes all user action logs and makes them easily searchable and correlated in real time.

Data warehousing
All collected data, from parsed information to logs, can be kept in the system for an indefinite period of time, available for instant analysis. Data aging, backup, and offline archival are configurable.
All collected data, from parsed information to logs, can be kept in the system for an indefinite period of time, available for instant analysis. Data aging, backup, and offline archival are configurable.Svi prikupljeni podaci, od pročišćenih informacija do logova, mogu se čuvati u sustavu neograničeno dugo kako bi uvijek bili dostupni za trenutnu analizu. Data aging, sigurnosne kopije i offline arhiviranje mogu se konfigurirati po potrebi.